Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I'm Back

Finally , a little free time to sit down and blog. 
Life has been keeping me very busy.
My Mom fell and broke her arm at my home while looking after the twins. No, they didn't push her down, she stumbled and did it all on her own and that's their story and they're sticking to it.
Our son Travis, has gone off to university in Grand Rapids , Michigan to go to school and play hockey. I'm not sure in what order but I am hoping for the best. lol

My days begin early in the morning and end in the late evening. I am spending quality time with my Mom , who does not slow down or stop and who can still be seen at Lottie Jones running the show.

We have been very busy at Andjareenas Place with lots of classes starting up for the fall. Saturday, we had a rain poncho class with the PUL fabric. What a day. I never saw a day that called for a rain poncho more than this past Saturday. I was amazed at the number of people who were in and out considering the torrential rains we were subjected to. I salute those of you who subjected yourself to that storm.

Hookers have started their inch mats and it was quite amazing to watch them choose from several quilt patterns to plan their rugs. We are multi purpose if nothing else.

ttyl M.

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