Sunday, June 10, 2012

New Classes

Pat and I have been working very hard this week getting new classes set for the shop. Drop in and check out some of our great quilt and sewing classes. I am asked daily about sewing classes and I am always trying to figure out how to make everyone happy. We all have a very busy lifestyle and no one seems to have weeks to dedicate to a project and I am trying to work out classes that will educate and teach, but will still allow you not to dedicate a four or six week stint of consecutive days to complete. If everyone does their homework, lol, I think we will be successful. As Dr. Oz says " everyone has seven minutes a day to exercize". lol. I haven't found my seven minutes but I am sure I could if it was for sewing or knitting.

Geri and I are off to Quilt Kingson this morning and then across the border to check out another quilt show in Clayton  New York. I am enjoying being a customer instead of a vendor. I never seemed to get a chance to really enjoy the shows from the other side of the fence and I am amazed how much I was missing. I love visiting with people I haven't seen in a long time and having time to sit and have lunch or a cup of coffee.

PUL fabric has taken off! I have a large selection of the waterproof fabric in the shop and in the last week I am seeing some real action. Lots of young Mom's who have moved away from disposable diapers and are making their own cloth diapers and fancy pants. This fabric makes great raincoats or is good for any other waterproof project you might have. I have even sold it for cushion covers for outside. I am so glad that the young Mom's are interested in cleaning up our environment and not using disposables as I have first hand knowledge of how many diapers are created in just one family. lol

My little grandaughter is finally walking. She has been walking on her knees for some time now trying to get her balance and her brother has been patiently waiting for someone to run along side of him. Well Carter, she is on the run now and you will have to try and catch

Note: All groups will continue to meet this summer and everyone is welcome. Knitters meet Tuesdays from 1-3, Hookers meet on Wednesdays from 1-3, and we have a mixed group that meet on Thursday mornings from 9:30-11:30. I have air conditioning for those of you who have difficulty with the heat( I know it's coming).
I will try to give an update on the shows when I get back home tonight.
Bye for now.

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