For those of you who stitch on Thursday mornings with us you will all know our local Labrador breeder Judy Frost. Judy has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of puppies ( two litters actually) and one has delivered 11 beautiful yellow labrador puppies. She brought them by for a brief visit after being to the vet and they are sooooo soft and cute but I know they will grown into dogs. lol. They will not be as big as Sheenas dog Lincoln but they will not remain puppies. Still, if I didn't have Jasper I would seriously be looking at these pups. If I am able to get a picture I will post it.
I have had a very busy week at Andjareenas with quilters seeming to get ready for upcoming shows, purchasing their backings and battings and working furiously to finish in time for the shows. Lots of tourists in the area already and it is wonderful to hear their feedback on our shop compared to others they have visited on their journeys.
Rug hookers were out in full force this past Wednesday but we missed Janice as she was off to Trent for the week. Hope you girls had a great time and come back energized and not to tired out after your week of festivities. lol. Cliff has managed to get the gripper strips on the new frames and I will have them in the shop next week for all of you to see. I will also take a picture of them for the blog and then if you are unable to get into the shop at least you will be able to see them. Someone has left behind all their precut strips organized neatly in a bag and I'm not sure if they belong to Pauline or Margaret. It appears to have some of the blue
wool that Margaret was hooking with . I don't have Margarets email to if anyone is speaking to her or Tina Cole please tell them it is at the shop in my storeroom.
I had 149 helmet liners for the troops picked up on Friday by Rosemary Kirby for the Christmas Baskets for the troops. If you know any group that might be interested in knitting they can go to the Estelle Designs website and download the pattern. Rosemary has been collecting them from our shop for this area and they will ship them from this base to Ottawa. We are trying to reach a goal of 4000 and with your help we will.
I'm off to the garden to cut brush and clean up my yard. Have a great day.
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