Saturday, March 20, 2010

And the rain moves in

Well, of course I slept in this morning. It appears to be a dark and dreary day out there today.
This was the day Cliff was coming down to clean up my gardens and trim some of the brush and now that won't be happening. Oh well. He is also having to take Travis for a morning skate before tonights big game so he can't be in more than one place at a time. I'm not sure why not as women are expected to be but that's another topic.
The Marble Chunky arrived yesterday in the just two colours. The beautiful rich plum colour which I forget the real name of, and the pink and plum verigated. If you wish to see it come quick because at the rate the ladies are making those shrugs it won't be there long. I'm even thinking of making a small one for Sheena in pink her favorite colour.
Speaking of Sheena. She gets her first call for jury duty and it is definately not in her plans at this moment. I didn't know that you could get a message left on your answering machine from the Attorney General for an emergency jury on a Friday afternoon to show up for Monday morning. Wow! That's a wakeup call. I explained to her that she needed to call them but true to form she was just a little freaked out. All turned out well and those people at the Attorney Generals office are pretty nice people to talk to. Thanks. I have never been called in 53 years and don't want to be but it is your duty as I explained to her. Right!
After the Hook In I went into my storeroom where everything went in order to clean out the room for hookrs. Imagine the lack of space. I have started another quilt. This one I have been holding on to for some years. When Karen Osborne , one of my employees and a good friend passed away from bone cancer I received all her stitching notes as well as this fabric that had been left over from a comfort quilt. I remember that she had purchased the fabric at the Silver Thimble in Whitby and Geri Logan was the one who made the quilt as Karen was not able to make it for herself. I have been avoiding the fabric for a long time but Friday as I was tidying up I finally felt the need to start working on the quilt. I thought of all the laughs we had at the Sheep to Shawl in Kingston and some of the wild drives to the doll shows in Marmora. I think the time was right. I had sent four quilts off to Hattie Van Dyk so perhaps having them quilted and completed was the push I needed or perhaps the events of the past week gave me that push. Who knows. Off to the salt mines.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,is that really the time 5:01 am???? and I thought I was an early bird ! I was sorry to hear about Carolyn. Just finished reading the first book ,Shop on Blossom Street in the Debbie Macomber "knitting" series, what a fun read! Hey, get to go on a Limo run tomorrow with Stephen. He has a few hours to put in between runs so we're going to do some shopping at Vaughn Mills. Won't we look interesting pulling up to Bass Pro in a 36ft white stretch Limo? See you Tuesday!

