Typical for the Carrying Place Road. The lights went out this afternoon in the middle of ladies choosing yarn and others choosing fabric. Now , it's pretty difficult to sell either when you can't see the colour. Geri and I were able to make a few sales but then realized the futility of staying at the shop. No lights, no interact machine and no cash register. It was easy. I did still have my 20 year old solar calculator with hot glue stuck to it but even I knew that the end was in sight so at 4:00 I closed up and headed home. For those of you that showed up and wondered where we were . There's your answer.
I am going to touch lightly on a tender topic in our community right now. The charges against the Commander at 8 wing Trenton. Please understand that this was one man working alone. Don't condem all of our servicemen. I can tell you that the service people I have encountered are appalled and stunned by the crimes he has been charged with. Servicemen in the area are being verbally abused and it is quite ridiculous. These men and women do not deserve this type of treatment. Thing before you act. One bad apple ............you know the rest.
Lovers. Don't forget your sweethearts this weekend it is Valentines Day. If they are allergic to flowers then you can buy them a gift certificate for that thing they love to do. Knit, quilt or sew.
I've got you covered.
The body of the Shop Hop Quilt is finished! All it needs is a border and I'm on it. I can't believe I am this far ahead of the game. I love it.
Just in today are some very bright (you'll need sunglasses) 100% cottons for spring.
Good prices $9.99 metre.
Mary Anne
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