It's early Christmsas Eve morning and I am writing on this blog for the first time in months. Personally my year has been a nightmare , professionally it has been a successful year. We have grown as a business and I have the best customers around.
I have taken on dyeing of our wool fabrics for rug hooking with a vengeance. I dye more than I cook lately and that's saying something if you know my love of cooking. Dyeing has been my therapy this year and it's cheaper and more fulfilling than going into therapy. Rug hooking has become a passion and I am lucky to hook with a number of wonderful hookers of all ages.
Mixed media group meets Thursday's at the shop and I have learned as much from them as they have from me. Knitting, embroidery, crocheting and quilting are the order of the day in that group and they are all supportive of each other.
Knitters meet on Tuesday afternoons at the shop and more friendships have been formed. It's impossible to know everything and with the variety in ages I get a sense of what's old and what's new again. These women are free with sharing their ideas and chat with customers and willingly share their knowledge.
A large group of hookers meet regularly on Wednesday and they are some of the most caring and supportive people I've met.
This year I have experienced great personal loss in my own life as well as professional loss of customers. They became my friends and I will miss them.
I want to end on a positive note and wish everyone the merriest of Christmases. It's not about the gift giving, it's about the time you get to spend with your family. You don't get that time back and to Kate we realize how important it is. Hold your family and friends close this season and laugh and enjoy your time together . Memories are wonderful, so make some this Christmas
Mary Anne