Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bad Betty is off the Hook!

Bad Betty is off the hook, no pun intended. She kept to her word and didn't bring food today, even though we had biscotti leftover from Tuesday Knitters. Today, Phyllis brought us delicious strawberry tarts and Debbie's husband took pity on the skinny minnies and brought us some cinnamon buns that he had just whipped up. Fresh from the oven they were still warm when he delivered them. Travis is going to put us all on a fitness regime. We're gonna lose some weight if it kills us.
We're all off to the Hook In in Cobourg this weekend and I am looking forward to it.
For those of you who are not members of the OHCG, you will have to wait until Sunday to get in but it will be worth going. There will be an amazing number of hand hooked rugs to see and perhaps some of you might even decide that this could be a new craft to add to your bag of tricks. Hookers are the best type of people to hang out with. You'll love it.
Quilters , we have some new shirt weight cottons in stock and if you like polka dots we have them. I had a lady in on Saturday and when we started counting I was amazed at the number.
There have been alot of polka dots showing up in magazines lately so for those of you looking, we're the place to be. There are some new black and whites that are retailing for $9.99 metre.
Arriving shortly will be the Bamboo/Cotton quilt batt by the metre. 90" wide.
Have a great day!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Allergies or Cold

Last week while Cliff and Travis were having an allergy attack I seemed fine but it hit me Saturday morning. I actually think I had a bit of a fever, then the runny nose and today the stuffy nose. I don't get it. I don't think anybody was sick on Friday at the Hook In and I don't think I could catch something that fast but lets home it leaves as quickly as it came.
My Mom dropped off some Metro strawberries today. two for five dollars and my container weighed at least two pounds. Great berries too.
I've been surveying the gardens for the last week and am about to start moving some things around. I have decided that I'm just not the blueprint for the garden type and I'm going to just stick the plants in and if I need to I'm gonna move them next year.
We had a quiet weekend with the trucks. There was nothing parked out front and only one empty unit parked at our end of the property. To bad they couldn't do that all the time. Sunday afternoon they start moving the trucks around and the dust begins to fly. I'm not a great housekeeper but their unpaved driveway is really making me look bad. Pray for rain to settle the dust down a bit and make my flowers grow.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hook In a Success!

Another great day of hooking at Andjareenas Place. Now I just need to figure out how to get more than twenty people in my back room and believe me I can be innovative.
Lots of laughs and good company made this another successful day. I am delighted to see that everyone is working on something different and that is the best of days like today. Pam is doing the cutest sculpted teddy bears and John was there today with a pretty impressive looking stained glass. Bad Betty, Barb and I shared a table and Barb is working on a Maud Lewis and Betty is doing a beautiful tote bag with Laurel Burch Cats on it. Betty and I both own one of the Laurel Burch fabric bags and her hooked bag looks as good as the original. Beautiful!
Tina finished her lady bug rug that she designed and as usual she's making the rest of us look bad. I wish I could draw something other than stick people. Janice, when I look at your piece I get an itch to do something off the wall. I love the colours and the beads and the challenge of design. I can't draw but I can put colour together after all these years in the flower shop and quilting. Hope everyone had a great time and can't wait for next weekend at the Annual.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Another great day

The weather was great today and although the skies were blue and the sun was shining I think I need to still wear socks and shoes in the morning and forget the sandals.
Our knitters met today and we are all feverishly knitting. I think I only had to cast on the socks twice and got about two rows done before everyone dispersed. It was a busy day and everyone was out. Nice to see Pauline back and Ann is making great headway on with her Marble Chunky project. What were you knitting on Janice? I can't even remember and you were sitting across the table from me and I'm not sure what Bad Betty was knitting on either come to think of it. I think I had better pay closer attention to you two.
I had two more calls today regarding the helmet liners. The ladies from the West Coast are going to ship their helmet liners to the base there and get them to Ottawa that way. If you are doing this make sure that they are marked for Project Santa Claus. I was going to have them all come to the shop but already people have started sending them in so as long as they are marked properly I don't see why that should be a problem. I agreed to do this when asked by our local librarian but I am not in charge. Anyone wanting to add their two cents feel free to jump in.
I have at least three knitting projects on the go and am dying to knit with some of the lace weight alpaca but will have to do it from the closet as I am sure our knitters group won't let that go by without a comment. lol

Monday, April 19, 2010

Trenton, A funny place to live

This might get a rise out of people but Trenton is a funny place to live. We are the gateway to the Trent and yet our Marina is sadly lacking compared to Belleville just down the road. We build our Town Hall and our grocery stores on the water instead of hotels and businesses that would attract people to the town. Especially boaters. If you can afford a boat then you have disposable income. I think it is sad they way our downtown has changed over the last 30 years.
I may be dating myself but I can remember when there were at least six ladies shops in town, three shoe stores, two music stores, at least one childrens store and four jewellery stores. We had all this.
You might think this is going somewhere and as this is my blog and a place for me to lay it all out for you here it comes. What a beautiful day on Sunday. We have about an acres of property and I must admit over the last 16 years of Travis playing hockey and ball hockey and soccer in the summer, it has been neglected. So, out we go on Sunday morning to cut down and burn the overgrowth only to have to put up with the roar of trucks from the factory that moved in three years ago. Between the constant cycling of the refridgerated units going off and on and the noise from this ungodly fan on the back of the building you can only imagine what it does to the day for us. Our neighbours managed to sell their home after livng here for only seven months. They decided to buy anywhere but in Quinte West. I know every town or city has its problems but I honestly cannot believe that this has been going on for so long. The older people that are having problems with it have taken to putting styrofoam in the windows to help block some of the sound or moving to one floor of their home so as not to put up with the noise. All of us that go out to work every day don't seem to be able to get away from the stress and the noise and we are getting little support from City Hall. They are conducting a noise study in May but we'll see how that turns out and if I'm right I don't think we will see any change. There were upwards of 25 residents that showed up at the meeting at City Hall and they were angry. Remember the guy who flew his aircraft into the IRS building in the U.S. No one would listen to him. None of us own an aircraft thank God. Canada Blast has left Wellington aka Midtown Meats and have set up shop in Trenton. My understanding from our retired fire chief was that Wellington residents had a class action lawsuit against them and lost. I wonder what for.
Residents have been in touch with the city, Lou Rinaldi, Gary Muloin from the Ministry of the Environment but to no avail. Some of us have had our lives changed forever and the wheels of justice are grinding far to slowly. The big fear is that nothing will get done. I have lived in this house for 26 years and like my property but the idea of selling and getting out of Trenton is becoming a reality.
Thanks for letting me rant.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Gathering was great as usual

The Gathering in Port Hope was great as usual. These ladies really outdo themselves every year. As soon as the vendors pull in everyone spills out into the parking lot to help us unload and get setup. At the end of the day when we are all tired, these same ladies help us carry everything out to the car and help us load up to go home. A big thank you to them and to the rest of you who are organizing shows I have to tell you that it really makes the vendor feel welcome and appreciated. Thanks again. Oh yeah, and they bake and feed you all day. Love it!\
Lamburgers were terrific as usual and I was able to get Jasper his peanut butter dog bisquits.
I had my Noro knitting books on sale at the show and will leave them up for this week at 50% off. With the regular price for these books being $27.00 I think it's a bargain that some won't want to miss.
This coming Friday is our Hook In and is booked solid for now but we do have a waiting list if you are interested in leaving your name. We hook from 10 a.m. till noon for beginners on Wednesdays and then from 1-3 p.m. for intermediates at a cost of $5.00. Janice is there to help but she opted for this instead of classes at this time so that she can get things finished for the annual and yet you can still get some help in the meantime. It also allows you to take a day off if necessary and not miss a class. Thanks Janice.
Well, my baby boy turned twenty yesterday and from the look of him on the couch at 4:30 a.m. I think he had a good time.
Anyone missing a set of truck keys? If so, we have them. Let me know if you extra set is missing.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Gathering

I'm off to The Gathering in Port Hope tomorrow. Show times are 10-3 at the Port Hope Community Centre. This is a must attend show. What a great time I have at this show every year. They are the friendliest bunch of people you'll ever meet and share their knowledge freely. If you have any interest at all, take the time to drop by. Lots of vendors and if you are a knitter this is the place to find the unusual. I always pick up home made doggie treats for Jasper every year from one of the vendors. I've been packing all day and when I finally closed the van door I stood back and thought "gee, do I have to much"? Oh well, it's all in there now.
Hope to see you all there.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Deseronto Storm Win Russell Cup

Apparently I forgot to post this? Wow, I guess I'm not getting enough sleep. Thanks to Janice for bringing this to my attention.
Rarely do I take this kind of time for myself but during the Shop Hop I slipped away early on the Thursday afternoon to go to a hockey game in Bracebridge. Not just any hockey game but game 7 of the Russell Cup featuring the Deseronto Storm and the South Muskoka Shield.
I am so glad I did. We won!!!!! Some of the fans were rabid but when our fan bus arrived I think we stunned them. Approximately 200 Deseronto fans made the trip either my car or bus and never stopped cheering our boys on from the moment they stepped on the ice during warmup.
We went up 3-0 very quickly and maintained the lead throughout the game. Final score was 4-1 for Deseronto. We arrived home at 4 a.m. and I was able to sleep for about 4 hours until I had to get up and go to work. The boys celebrated for 3 days and by the Sunday afternoon dinner for them at the United Restaurant in Deseronto everyone was tired out. I came home and went to bed at 4 p.m. and slept through till morning. The grin is still on everyones face. Travis has played on lots of great teams but you don't always get to win a championship and those boys are riding the wave. Good for them.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Shop Hop huge success

Every year I do worry about how things will go and no one disappointed me this year. The Shop Hop was a huge success for everyone as far as I can tell. I am so glad. Lots of work go into these events and we are always left wondering what could be done better but things went very well this year. Thank you to all our regular customers who participated and a big thank you to all of you who drove quite a distance to come and support the hop. We really appreciate your commitment to quilting.
Next is The Gathering at Port Hope community centre. I'll be packing this week and hope to see all the spinners, weavers and knitters there. This is a great show for us. I like to go just to visit with everyone and the girls that run this show are fantastic. They help me carry everything in and out at the end of the day and then on top of that they also feed me. They are great cooks and if you have never been to this show it is an even you don't want to miss. The whir of the spinning wheels and lots of people bring their knitting and some of them bring their hooking. Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Quilters SHop Hop

For those of you who have been keeping track of Travis's hockey we are on to game 7 in Bracebridge against the South Muskoka Shield on Thursday night. I figure we should roll in about 2:30 on Friday morning but I will either be up from the win or tired from the loss. This may be the last of hockey for me after about 16 years so I have decided to make the trek to Bracebridge and cheer the boys on. Go Storm Go!
Tomorrow our Annual Quilters Shop Hop begins and will run until Saturday . Take an opportunity to visit the five shops in the community as we all have our specialties and are independently owned. I am always amazed at the number of people through the door lately that I have never seen before. Hopefully this is a good sign for the future.
Mango Moon Tibetan Handbags are bag in stock. They are beautifully woven and colourful and at $30.00 you can't beat it. Makes a great gift for any crafter, quilter, stitcher and hooker. Bags are in and the price is right. You are supporting women around the world when you purchase Mango Moon.
We have lots of quilting books that will be from 30% off to half price. There are even some very nice books for $9.99 and I don't think you can even purchase a pattern for less than that today.
We are clearing some ends of the bolt at $5.99 metre and fat quarters are buy four and get one free as always. We still have some of the Olympic Flannel in stock for those of you who are still looking for those fabrics.
I look forward to seeing you out to the Hop.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Back to the Grind

Well, I am back from my weekend away. I had a great time despite the fact that we lost both hockey games on the weekend. One in double overtime and the other with two minutes to play in the game. I could live in Northern Ontario. What a beautiful place to visit. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be alot going on except tourism. If you can live off that then you are all set. I could not believe the number of people out shopping in Bracebridge on Saturday morning. It was like being in a very busy small city. Cars everywhere and everyone seemed to be in a hurry. I, on the other hand was the tourist just taking it all in. We stayed at the Sleep Inn, a very nice hotel that allowed the dog to come with us. Jasper was a very good traveller and Gilmour stayed home with Grandma. There was no fabric store or knitting store in town. Only places like Zellers or Walmart to look for this type of thing which really surprised me.
Cliff and I had a few hours to put in before Saturday nights game so we went to the Falls in Bracebridge and viewed the generating station and the falls were beautiful. At the far end, away from the falls little children were in swimming. Ah, to be young again. It was Freeeeeezing!
Don't forget that the Quilters Shop Hop will be happening this weekend. Every year it seems we manage to get some rain so I hope that it is a good weekend and lots of quilters are out.
Hope to see you there.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Easter

Today we stitched. Linda's piece is coming along beautifully. After much research she is really moving on it and it is very lovely. Her hydrangeas turned out really well and look like the real thing.
Mango Moon is back in stock. I received a new shipment of the Tibetan purses as well as some recycled silk and a very interesting skein of batik . It is a little wild looking but I have seen a vest knit out of it and it's really kind of neat.
Everyone must have been quilting all winter as I seem to be selling quilt backs and batts at an alarming rate. It is so nice to see everyone completing projects that I have sold them fabric for.
I find all the groups that we have meeting in the shop very satisfying. Knitters are turning out garments at warp speed and the Hookers are really turning out some amazing pieces as well as the stitchers who meet on Thursday morning. Judy has hand pieced several sets of placemats as well as quilts and Bad Betty finishing off her tapestries . I have put my smocking away somewhere in the storeroom and can't locate it but I did manage to get the binding on the puzzle quilt today. Fran we missed seeing you too.
This is the end of our hockey this weekend. If we win the next two games we win the Russell Cup and I can retire from the hockey circuit. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm taking my rug, my socks that I have just started and my Crofter DK sweater that needs finishing. If it is like any other trip I won't get anything done on any of the items.
The weekend looks like it's going ot be a great one so all of you have a blast and Happy Easter